AI algorithms can now predict deterioration of patient

AI algorithms can now predict deterioration of patient


Health and Wellness Informatics News

Changi General Hospital is partnering with Respiree. They are working on an RPM system to record vital signs. They also plan to use AI algorithms to predict the health of patients.

Changi General Hospital is in Singapore. It is going to the next level by helping predict the deterioration of a patient. They plan to use AI algorithms for this task. They are also doing this as a part of their initiative to provide a smart remote health monitoring system.

The hospital is collaborating with Respiree. Respiree is an A*Star Medtech spinoff firm. Both of them plan to work and upgrade their RPM system. NRF Singapore has given them funding of 950,000 dollars. This is also an important part of Singapore’s healthcare system to keep innovating.

The RPM system has a simple wearable sensor that the patient has to wear. The sensor will keep track of all the vital signs. Also, it has a sensor patch and an oximeter connected to a central dashboard. The dashboard allows clinicians to check vital signs at any time. The system can check the respiratory rate, O2 saturation, and heart rate. These parameters are enough to specify any dangers ahead.

Two studies validate the effectiveness of this RPM system and the use of AI algorithms. The studies also involved patients in wards dealing with covid-19 or other respiratory diseases. The respiratory rate measurement done by the system was very good. The Food and Drug Administration of the US gave its approval. A temperature-sensing capability will also come into the system.

The hospital is working hard to evaluate patients using AI algorithms. With this, they plan to monitor the vital signs of the patients post-discharge. This is also to enable community-level care. This is an important step as the health of a patient can deteriorate at home as well. The RPM system can help warn clinicians on time.

It takes around 3-4 minutes to record vital data within a ward. The partnership aims to reduce this time further by enabling the RPM system. Clinicians can further take the help of AI algorithms to predict the health of a patient. They can then make early decisions. This also gives medical staff more time to work on more important things.