AIIMS Delhi is already spending above ₹300 crores in creating a digital environment that will help implement AI in its healthcare solutions. Launched by the director, Dr. M. Srinivas, its primary goal is to enhance productivity, minimize time delays, and facilitate proficient research. Dr. Srinivas also pointed out that AI will declutter health information, making the patient more engaged and therefore enabling them to do better in the system.
Integration of Artificial Intelligence in Health Communication
During a recent summit, professionals said that AI can help solve significant communication problems related to health. Dr. Kavita Narayan from the Ministry of Health insisted that AI can lead to better accuracy, distribution of health care with equity, and a caring approach.
She stressed that it is important to envisage technologies and properly coordinate their expectations and usage among policy-makers, technocrats, and practicing healthcare workers.
Humeta: Ensuring Medial Information Availability
Daleep Singh Manhas, CEO of Healthpresso, presented Humeta, an AI model that goes through reliable sources, such as The Lancet and PubMed. Humeta helps to interpret complicated medical information in a way that any layman will understand, something that is a hurdle to 63% of people.
In assuring accuracy and accessibility, Humeta will be arming the patients with accurate and comprehensible health information. Although people use technology in their daily lives, they are also in search of social interaction.
But as with all things, there is a concern among scholars that with the use of AI, the human element in healthcare will be stripped. Dr. KP Kochhar of AIIMS stressed the integration of innovation with compassion to design patient-centric systems.
The Advantages of Incorporating Ethical Intelligence
The summit closed with the participants jointly demanding positive changes for the application of artificial intelligence in medicine. Among the professionals, it was noted that if incorporated properly, AI can improve the accessibility, accuracy, and personalized approach of healthcare communication and contribute to building a healthier society.